EH Building Main Room
(w/o Kitchen) (With Upright Refrigerator and Freezer)
$35 for 3 hours for meetings $55 for 4 – 8 hours for parties
No Cleaning Deposit (at this time).

( All Tables and Chairs must be returned to their original location after use.)
Fine Arts Building
$35 per day per side (tables, Chairs, Displays, Clothing Racks for yard sales provided
$55/day with Bounce House one Side

(All Tables, Chairs & Clothing racks must be returned to their original location.)
Heat & Air now in this Building. Restrooms have been winterized
Dual Certified Commercial/Retail Kitchen
$10/per hour Kitchen Cleaning Deposit: $50
PLEASE READ: A Cleaning checklist will be posted and visible for the Kitchen.
All items on this Cleaning Checklist, this includes the floors and mats, must be completed before the Deposit is returned.
The Kitchen Volunteers have 7 days to return the Deposit.

To make an online reservation For the Kitchen
For More information Text or Call 870-504-1429