1. This selection is provided to give nonprofit community organizations an opportunity to present ideas of practical value in the areas of  improved health, profit, convenience or comfort for better family and community life.

2. It will be necessary for the organization making the exhibition to  furnish all equipment and supplies needed in setting up the exhibit.

3. Reservations for educational exhibit booths must be made before September 1; otherwise, booths will be accepted subject to space available.

4. A “Best of Show” booth will be selected in both the Youth and Adult divisions. These booths will be eligible to compete in the Northwest Arkansas District Fair in Harrison Arkansas.

SCORECARD for Educational Booths

· Appropriateness of Theme: Education and/or promotional message. Timely, important, practical (Message suitable for viewing audience) 15 points

· Presentation: Attracts attention; light, motion, color, sound, size, etc 10 points

· Title: Attractive working, catchy, easy to read; appropriate placement 10 points

· Design: Good use of color, center of interest, unity of movement, contrast, balance, proportion & scale 20 points

· Printed Visuals: Appropriate size, appropriate placement, neat and easy to read 10 points

· Effectiveness: Message accurate, concise & simple. Only one   subject covered, unnecessary material eliminated 15 points

· Educational or promotional effectiveness: Increased knowledge, changed attitude, creates a desire for involvement 20 points