1. Meats and non-acid vegetables must be processed by pressure cooker.
2. For judging and safety reasons jars must be clear with Mason or other standard/recognized name brand with a clean metal lid and ring. Jars with designs or etching will be disqualified. Ball Elite clear jars (square and spiral) will be accepted.. No “fancy packed” items.
3. Dried food must be in a clear jar and need not be sealed. They may be handled by the judges to determine stage of dehydration.
Dried food entered in plastic bags will not be judges for Best of Show. Plastic bags will not be accepted as an exhibit!
4. Judging will be based on the latest USDA recommendations.
5. Due to Safety reasons no canned squash, pumpkin, will be judged. Pickled summer squash and zucchini will be accepted.
6. Follow all the USDA current Guidelines.
Food Preservation

Department 9 Pickles, Relishes
1 Bread and Butter Pickles
2 Pickled Okra*
3 Pickled Watermelon*
4 Bread and Butter Pickles
5 Chow-Chow
6 Corn Relish*
7 Cucumber Pickles (all)*
8 Cucumber Relish
9 Green Bean Pickles
10 Green Tomato Pickles
11 Green Tomato Relish
12 Miscellaneous Pickle
13 Pepper Relish
14 Picante*
15 Pickled Beets*
16 Pickled Green Tomatoes*
17 Pickled Okra
18 Pickled Peaches
19 Pickled Peppers
20 Watermelon Rind Pickles
Department 10 Canned Vegetables
1 Beans, Lima*
2 Beans, Green*
3 Beans, Shelled
4 Beets*
5 Carrots*
6 Corn*
7 Greens
8 Greens*
9 Hominy
10 Mixed Vegetables*
11 Okra*
12 Peas*
13 Peas, English
14 Peas, Field
15 Potatoes*
16 Potatoes, Irish
17 Potatoes, sweet
18 Pumpkin*
19 Sauerkraut
20 Soup Mixture*
21 Tomatoes*
Department 11 Juices
1 Apple*
2 Berry*
3 Grape*
4 Tomato*
Department 12 Fruit
1 Apple pie filling
2 Apples
3 Apples*
4 Applesauce
5 Apricots
6 Blackberries
7 Blackberries*
8 Blueberries
9 Blueberries*
10 Boysenberries
11 Cherries
12 Cherries*
13 Figs*
14 Grapes
15 Huckleberries
16 Muscadines

Department 13 Apiary
1 Light*
2 Dark*
3 Comb*

Department 14 Jellies
1 Apple*
2 Apricot
3 Blackberry*
4 Cherry*
5 Crabapple*
6 Grape*
7 Miscellaneous
8 Mixed*
9 Muscadine*
10 Peach
11 Pear
12 Pepper*
13 Plum*
14 Raspberry
15 Strawberry
Department 15 Preserves
1 Peach*
2 Apple*
3 Pear*
4 Strawberry*
5 Fig*
6 Miscellaneous
Department 16 Marmalades
1 Any Canned Marmalade*
Department 17 Jams
1 Apricot
2 Blackberry*
3 Blueberry*
4 Miscellaneous
5 Mixed Jams*
6 Peach
7 Peach*
8 Pear
9 Plum*
10 Raspberry
11 Strawberry
12 Strawberry*
Department 18 DRIED NUTS
1 Walnuts
2 Pecans
3 Miscellaneous Edible
Department 19 DRIED FRUITS
1 Apples
2 Apricots
3 Bananas
4 Peaches
5 Pineapple
6 Strawberries
7 Pears
8 Miscellaneous
Department 20
Dried Vegetables and Herbs
1 Basil
2 Beans
3 Garlic
4 Okra
5 Onion
6 Peas
7 Peppers
8 Sage
9 Squash
10 Tomatoes
11 Dried Soup Mix
12 Miscellaneous
Department 21
1 Maple
Department 22 BUTTERS
1 Apple*
2 Pear*
3 Peach*
4 Miscellaneous
Department 23 Meats
- Poultry
- Rabbit
- Beef
- Pork
- Vension
- Bear
- Veal
- Broth/stock
- FinFish
- Shellfish