1. All male animals must be registered. No bucks born before Jan 1, of the current year
2. Purebred goats must be registered in the name of the exhibitor for the junior Year
3. Exhibitors will be limited to 2 entries per class.
4. Points will be awarded in each class as follows: 1st place- 20, 2nd place- 18, 3rd place- 16.
5. See additional information in Livestock Rules and Regulations and Health requirements.
- SECTION A Alpine
- SECTION B LaMancha
- SECTION C Nigerian Dwarf
- SECTION D Nubian
- SECTION E Oberhasli
- SECTION F Saanans
- SECTION G Toggenburg
- SECTION J Recorded Grade/Experimental
601 Yearling Milker, under 2 years old
602 Two-year-old Milker, age 2 years
603 Three-year-old Milker, age 3 years
604 Four-year-old Milker, age 4 years
605 Aged Milker, age 5 years or older
*All animals must be shown in appropriate individual classes to qualify.
606 Best Udder – Senior animals only
607 Senior Get-of-Sire – Three does of the same breed all by one sire, milking yearlings or older; animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor, and sire must be named on registration papers.
608 Best of Three Senior Does – Three does of the same breed from Senior Division, all bred and owned by exhibitor.
609 Senior Produce of Dam – Two does from Senior Division, produce of same dam, animals may be owned by more than 1 exhibitor, and dam must be named on registration papers.
610 Senior Dam and Daughter – One doe and one daughter from Senior Division, daughter must have been bred by exhibitor, and both must be owned by exhibitor.
611 Late Doe Kid, born June Current Year
612 Junior Doe Kid, born May Current Year
613 Intermediate Doe Kid, born Apr Current Year
614 Senior Doe Kid, born Mar Current Year
615 Winter Doe Kid, born Jan Current Year- Feb Current Year
616 Early Doe Kid, born Sep one year Prior – Dec one year Prior
617 Junior Doe Yearling, born May one year Prior – Aug one year Prior
618 Senior Doe Yearling, born Sep two years Prior – Apr one year Prior
JUNIOR GOAT GROUP CLASSES No Ribbons will Be Distributed
*All animals must be shown in appropriate individual classes to qualify.
619 Junior Get-of-Sire – Three does of same breed all by one sire, animals may be owned by more than one exhibitor.
620 Best of Three Junior Does – Three does of the same breed from Junior Division, all bred and owned by exhibitor.
621 Junior Produce of Dam – Two does from Junior Division, produce of same dam, animals may be owned by more than 1 exhibitor, and dam must be named on registration papers .
622 Junior Dam and Daughter – One doe and one daughter from the Junior
Division, daughter must have been bred by exhibitor, and both must be owned
by exhibitor.
623 Bred and Owned, a premium award to the Best of Class provided by the Arkansas Goat Producers Association. Junior show only. Qualifications as follows:
• Does only, no bucks or wethers.
• The doe is to be one that is entered in the breeding stock division of the
youth show rather than a market goat.
• The goat entered in the class must be a registered doe of any breed, dairy,
meat, or fiber goat.
The registration paper showing the individual youth exhibitor as both the breeder and the owner must be presented to the fair official before entering the show ring.
624 Late Buck Kid, born Current Year- Sep Current Year
625 Intermediate Buck Kid, born Jan Current Year – May Current Year