1. Exhibition officials must maintain records of all sheep and goats that are exhibited for a period of five years, to include:
A. Identification Number
B. Flock status as defined by the Voluntary Certification Program
C. The name, complete address and phone number of the owner.
2. Fair personnel, veterinarians, or state-federal personnel may examine sheep on grounds. Any sheep showing clinical symptoms of Scrapie shall be immediately quarantined in isolation and required to undergo any approved diagnostic tests and shall be consigned to slaughter or destruction with submission of tissues to an approved diagnostic laboratory at the exhibitor’s expense.
3. Commingling (as defined by the Arkansas Scrapie Regulations) of sheep or goats of different flock status as defined by the Voluntary Flock Certification Program (VFCP) is prohibited and must be reported to the VFCP state official and State Veterinarian.
No sheep or goats showing symptoms of disease, particularly foot rot, sore mouth, sheep pox, evidence of fungal infection, evidence of abscesses or with draining abscesses will be allowed to show and may be released by fair officials, veterinarians, or state-federal personnel on entry form. Junior show only.