The Auction is on Saturday at 9:00 am in the Poultry Barn. All proceeds go toward the Next Years 4–H poultry chain project
1. 4-H is a non-profit organization for all youth ages 5—19 and is a part of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. The poultry chain is one of many projects offered through 4-H. It was established to ensure that all youth could have the opportunity to learn how to properly care for production animals. Through this project, a 4-Her and his/her parent signs a contract to give proper care, feed and water to a batch of chicks for the period from April to September and return three fully grown hens to the County Fair. In return they keep the other birds. The three hens are then auctioned at the County Fair to provide funds to purchase a batch of day old chicks for next year’s 4-H poultry Chain project.
2. Points will be awarded in each class as follows: 1st place- 10, 2nd place- 8, 3rd place- 6.
715 Group of three (3) hens
716 Poultry Showmanship